The Fastest Path to - Accelerated Success You've Ever Explored
Are you hungry for more?
- Not growing fast enough is costing you more than you think. Think about what you are missing by not getting to the next level yet?
- There is an easy solution to Get your breakthrough fast but you need an expert's help.
- People from every culture, industry develop New Capabilities when it is time to get to the next level

Hi, I'm Antano. I am popularly known for bringing out the genius in people by making structured adjustments in them to get them to launch a worthwhile legacy.

What stops People from growing Fast enough?
Have you ever had a situation where your Car wouldn't start and you keep turning the ignition until you give up and recognize it is time to take your car to someone who knows the car better? And the mechanic simply spends five minutes and precisely tells you what to change!
What Alex needs to grow fast enough in his life is so different from what keeps needs to grow fast in his life. The real problem is most times, neither does Alex nor George know what they really need to go to the next level. Sometimes, the solution could be as simple as making a tiny shift but how can you know the solution unless you know the problem?
Did You Know?
This is why self-help books and motivation seminars don't work for most people! Imagine an archer who has his eyes closed led into a forest and asked to shoot. He shoots randomly and the chances of even a single arrow hitting the target is almost zero. No, matter how skilled he is, how well designed his bow and arrow tools are, if he is shooting blind-folded, he is likely to waste his time and resources.
By the way: If you have been trying overcome the obstacles in your life and have been succeeding not fast enough, chances are you are "shooting in the dark", as well.
What if, "One Change" you make can Transform Your Life!
A ship that was once about to sail had trouble with its engine. So, the captain called for an engineer. The engineer walked around, touched a few valves, heard the hissing sounds and after careful inspection, tapped on one nut and everything started functioning and the ship was ready to sail. Accelerated success in your life as well can just be that one tap away!
Keep in mind: Real change in your Life begins with Real changes in you.
You need more than 'Positive Thinking' and 'Inspiration' to improve the quality of your life. Positive thinking, inspiration and motivation are natural outcomes of living a healthy, balanced and fulfilling life. And to achieve that, you need to make systematic and targeted changes within you.
Do you remember the last time: When you did something that felt so Easy and Natural
The most successful people realize this ONE golden rule, that if what you are doing doesn't work, do anything else. And if whatever you are doing works, do more of it. What stops most people from overcoming their blocks to accelerated success is that they keep trying the same methods that didn't work, over and over again.
The Simple High-performance Rule for Success: Evolve First, Result Follows!
Everyone has their own strengths and along with it their individual limitations. Fixing these limitations is the surest path to accelerated success.
Most people have more time than they think they do. They waste it thinking and fretting over unuseful things. Or sometimes by making wrong decisions, people waste years of their life and complain that they don't have time. Sometimes, its a lack of confidence or a lack of clarity. Sometimes, the limitations comes in the form of how a person handles relationships. To truly, accelerate your success you have to evolve your personal excellence.
Did You Know?
Focussing on motivation before fixing personal limitations is the most commonly made mistake - not only for accelerated success but even for day to day achievements. Even if your goals look easy and within reach, without personal excellence, you can't change your life.
Also remember there is always a better you than the current you. And that is what it really means to be human, to continuously evolve, to continuously progress. This is what gives people true happiness. And this is what leads to unlimited success. No matter where you are, what you do, there is a trait of personal excellence that you can evolve that will give you immensely more happiness.
What Top Achievers do, differently?
Top achievers are not just a bunch of people who are highly motivated and have self-discipline and who are lucky with a set of good connections. Top Achievers think and function differently. They focus on their inner game. This is what makes them good at whatever they do, wherever they go. And they are always thirsty for more personal excellence.
They Focus on the direction in which they want to evolve as a person
They have Clarity on the personal limitations they need to overcome to succeed fast
They are consistently in High Performance Mode and they have experts to help them
Accelerated Success in a Nutshell:
- Desire
Every accelerated success starts with a tenacious desire to be excellent, to master your emotions, to influence like a charm, to be more fit, to be free. - Evolve
When we fix our personal limitations, we evolve. Sometimes, we may ourselves not know our own personal limitations but the moment we discover them and overcome them, we have grown more powerful, more capable as individuals. - Perform
Successful people are not stuck in the vicious loop of spending their time and money on self-help or motivational seminars. They have got experts to help them overcome their challenges so that they can focus on performing their role at work, home and everywhere!
Change is Possible with UnConscious Patterning...
By now, it is obvious the key to everything we have been discussing is making some real changes. But, is change possible? For centuries, we have been lead to believe that change is difficult. And the nature of people cannot change. Whatever your limitations are you have to learn to deal with it. But the truth is, people change all the time in unexpected circumstances. A near death experience or a natural calamity or radical shift of relationships in a persons life are examples of how people have overnight changed who they are. These are examples of extreme situations in which a change happened in a moment.
We don't have to wait for such moments to get enlightened. The fortunate news is that, today, there are sufficiently advanced scientific methods that makes changes available on demand, The truth is change is easy, change is possible and change can be fast with unconscious patterning. I moved from programming machines to designing people's life when I helped a young man who was paralyzed to get back moments. This is when I fully came to terms with the heritage we have as humans and the extra ordinary capabilities that are available within our reach.
The Science behind Real Change is UnConscious Patterning
People take so many resolutions that they never end up keeping. Have you ever wondered what is the science behind making changes 'stick'? Is it possible that the part of our brain that controls our involuntary functions can be the secret behind making real changes that sustain?
About 40 years ago, two genius Dr. John Grinder and Dr. Richard Bandler discovered that you don't need trance or hypnosis to produce changes with the unconscious mind. And they introduced to the world a set of patterning called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that allows any person to take full advantage of their capabilties.
And in the last 4 years, I have helped over 3000 individuals who have approached me to make real changes in their life using the full potential of unconscious patterning. These individuals have come from over 10 countries from various walks of life. Some of them are Directors of Billion Dollar organizations, some are entrepreneurs, some are working professions. My speciality has been to solve challenges, in peoples life, even when everything else has failed for them. Sometimes, this just means accelerating results for some individuals and for others, it means the difference between life and death. And I can offer you my expertise to help you accelerate your success.
Let me help you succeed, faster with my Accelerated Excellence Solution.
Introducing: uP!
You need an expert to help you identify and make the changes in your life that will accelerate everything for you. In the uP! program, my partner Harini (Singer Megha) and I are that expert. We help you experience real change. We ensure you develop a set of new capabilities that will open up worlds of possibilities in your life.
The Accelerated Excellence Coaching that Harini and I offer is a solution that just works. Whether you are stuck in your life or you are the pinnacle of your career or if you just a breakthrough to get to the next level, we have helped an achiever in your industry before and we certainly can help you FAST. This is how the Accelerated Excellence Solution works:
- Consultation with Antano & Harini: My partner and I spend time with you, about 20-40 minutes, before and after the uP! program. We work One-on-One to help you identify and recognize precisely what has to change in you, for you to make that leap in your career, business, health and relationships.
- Superior Capabilities. Installed: You spend 6 Days with Harini and me as we use a very powerful technology known as Excellence Installation to help you develop very special capabilities that have been modeled form Top Achievers.
- Succeed on AutoPilot: The changes we help you make in the 6 days will help you to succeed in whatever you do. Besides, we teach you the techniques to ensure you are self equipped, this allows you to make course corrections as necessary.
- 3 Years Support: You have unlimited access to superior capability installations as you can re-visit those 6 days any number of times you like. And we ensure each time, you go home more evolved.

This is What Leaders Say about Antano & Harini...

“Thanks, your work shows.”
A.R. Rahman
- Grammy Awards Winner, Music Composer
“They are unabashed by their passion for excellence...”
"Antano & Harini are distinct in many ways – they are unabashed to demonstrate their passion for excellence – fortunately, this passion is founded on extensive field experience and a wide range of applications. They offer a special configuration as they work as a team with elegance and effectiveness – all this based on their personal mastery of the patterning."
Dr. John Grinder
- Co-creator of NLP and Creator of New Code NLP

“My intuition for making decisions is getting better everyday...”
"I just can't believe that I know so much. Ever since the experience with Antano & Harini, I am able to predict so much better what is going to work and what wouldn't. And the best part, my intuition about the decisions I make is getting better every day."
Neelima Chakara
- Assistant Director, Ernst & Young
“This is the best investment in myself, ever.”
“uP! has helped me in personal transformation and in achieving my goals, especially in business. Thank you Harini & Antano.”
Blossom Kochhar
- Pioneer of Aromatherapy and Founder of Aroma Magic

"...helped me discover and unleash my full potential."
“uP! helps me distinguish what works from what doesn’t work. Antano & Harini have helped me discover and unleash my full potential”
Nandana Wickramage
- Group Director, CBL
“He is a master at picking up problems that need a fix...”
"I have personally benefited from the training and interactions with Antano as he is a master in picking up the problems that need a fix and he helps you to overcome it with ease."
Sreejith Sivanandan
- Senior Director, AOL

“Change can be fast and painless...”
"Change is possible. It can be fast, it can be painless, it has to feel simple & natural. And that is how my experience with Antano & Harini felt like."
Angie Kaster
- Coach & Consultant
Partner with the Wizards, Antano & Harini
Its time now to Accelerate your Success. It's a Life Time opportunity to have Antano & Harini on your team, as your consultants, coach, mentors and change agents to Accelerated Success. This package, uP!, will give you access to these World's finest change agents, equip you with superior capabilities, provide you a life line and get you to accelerate your success, so just go for it.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

What People Are Saying About Our Product

“Antano has provided the tool kit for excellence.”
“My faith in Excellence Installations and transformation came alive after Antano's immersive sessions and his coaching . It has been a meditative experience and creates confidence that you can conquer the world and achieve your deepest desires and dreams and you feel you are equipped as Antano has provided the tool kit for excellence.
Antano is a Genius and his work to accelerate results comes from a rare combination of consulting, coaching and real changework that just works."
Anurag Batra
- Chairman, Businessworld
“Antano & Harini have always precisely nailed the unexpected...”
"Sometimes the solution to a bottleneck challenge is so different from what it appears to be. No matter where you are and how varied the need may be, Antano & Harini have always precisely nailed the unexpected. I continue to benefit from the magic of their unexplainable work. Their intuition to know what is really going on is what actually makes the difference. They continue to fascinate me with their Elegance & Effectiveness."
Sudha Raghunathan
- National Award Winner

“What is the difference that made the difference?”
“Clarity in life! This has been the most powerful transformation for me personally.
Personally, I was going through some turbulent times. Even on the professional front, things were a little tough. I was not clear how to proceed and I felt being stuck. Antano & Harini helped me change everything!
This is so effective! It gives me so much confidence; I feel the song fully and I sing it with so much joy! And, the satisfaction is priceless!”
Rahul Nambiar
- Playback Singer, Filmfare Award Winner
Antano & Harini
About Antano & Harini
Antano Solar John & Harini Ramchandran, the creators of Excellence Installation Technology have helped thousands of people "Create an Identity" for themselves and live a happier life. They have transformed businesses, relationships and have liberated people from life threatening situation.
Antano & Harini have worked with Academy Winner A.R.Rahman to accelerate the performance of the Sunshine Orchestra, solved medically impossible challenges, helped million dollar businesses develop organizational excellence, and continue to work with the top musicians, performers and businessmen to bring about an innate shift in their unconscious patterns of thinking that produce extraordinary consequences over time.
Antano & Harini have done over 10,000 Installations in three thousand peoples lives that have changed the trajectory of their lives.
What is the Cost of a Few Years?
Often, I meet people who tell me, I wish I had met you a few years ago. And it turns out that for some those few years costed them a few crores, for some the price of those unfruitful years came with agony and pain and for some it costed them dear relationships. And for some people they just missed all the fun, happiness and the good things that life has to offer. There is something about mortality that the lost years never come back.
What if you make that break-thru, a fast career growth or a profitable business or a famous Author or just a happy family, what will you do with all that success? Are you ready to handle such a positive shift in your life style? This is a lifetime opportunity and I am so confident that of your success that I am backing this uP! with an insane money back guarantee. My methods are so novel that there used to be a time, when people came to me as the last resort and I helped them. But now, there is no need to wait, there is enough proof out there of my work and the results it can produce for you in black and white.
It's not Magic, it's Science
The work I do produces such unbelievable results so fast that it appears like Magic, but in reality, it is just advancement of the science of Human Excellence. I specialize in a Niche of Neuro Linguistic Programming called 'Installations' or technically known as 'Process Impositions'. My organization has been doing research on this for many years. What we do and offer is based on our actual field experience of working with all ranges of challenges and types of people. This is what the founder of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Dr. John Grinder has to say about us:
"These two are distinct in many ways – they are unabashed to demonstrate their passion for excellence – fortunately, this passion is founded on extensive field experience and a wide range of applications. They offer a special configuration as they work as a team with elegance and effectiveness – all this based on their personal mastery of the patterning"
Just ONE result can make a Difference
There are times in our Life, when that ONE deal or that one closure will make all the difference financially, professionally and personally. Just imagine for a moment, whatever you are working towards, how much would you SAVE if you achieve more of that faster? This could be that dream job or that particular sale or that significant break-thru. We are the people who make break-thru's a way of life for people like you. Let us hold your hands and take you through this.
Lifetime Validity
There are very few things in Life that comes with lifetime validity. When a motivational seminar, inspirational quotes and fun activities can be momentarily refreshing they don't add to a lifetime gift. Then what personal investment could be Lifetime? Answer: Capability Development...
At uP!, you develop some very fine capabilities that will accelerate results in every aspect of your Life. Actual development in your abilities is a lifetime investment, it helps you every moment all the way even when you continue to grow old and the phases of your life change, the capabilities you develop will be alongside you forever. In truth, such capabilities are more precious than diamonds.
Personalized Excellence Installation
We are experts at knowing with precision how you are different from someone who is from a similar background of yours. This is what makes our work, work! There is only one three other people I have heard of in the whole world, who does 'installations' with such precision, accuracy and effective. And one of them charges 12,000 Pounds for a one time installation spanning over 3 Days. What we are using to help you develop the capabilities that you need is not only cutting edge, it is personalized, designed and made for you!
Its never too early
The earlier you accelerate success the further you reach. Its never too early, the question really is, how much acceleration can you handle? We have mentored individuals as young as 14 and as old as 70 and there is one thing that is common, there is always more beauty, meaning and happiness to life than what we think is the limit. Life has a Domino effect, every decision we make and every action we do seems to influence the years to come. Wasting an entire life happens by missing life changing moments one at a time.
Doing it NOW vs Doing it Later
Everyone who hears about us, comes back to us, at some point in their life. The question really becomes, when? Here are some reasons why we recommend acting immediately!
Doing it NOW
- Get started with Life Acceleration immediately.
- Your relationship with Antano & Harini is Guaranteed.
- Your prioritization of your personal excellence is well placed.
- You can always do it again, one more time, later.
- There is no Risk. Your investment is protected.
Not doing it now
- Risk getting deeper into a vicious loop of a time and money lockdown.
- This opportunity may not be open at the time you need it
- You miss out on your real priorities in life.
- You can't do it going back in time, time gone is gone.
- There is a BIG RISK. The cost of wasting a few years is irreversible.
Here's What You Get
- Pre & Post-consultations with Antano & Harini (for 20-40 Minutes) before & after the first uP! event
- Excellence Installation of Superior Capabilities (in 6 Days)
- Success on AutoPilot
- 1 Additional consultation with Antano & Harini within the next 3 Years
- 3 Year Support with access to unlimited uP! events for more excellence installations

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


100% Satisfaction Guarrantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get a significant change that will impact the quality of your life forever, we offer a complete money back Guarantee.
Antano Solar John