Become Installation Genius Eligiblity Check test review Δ
What is your current occupation?
Business Leader
Professional (e.g., Doctor, Lawyer, Consultant, Engineer, Architect)
Creative Professional (e.g., Artist, Author, Designer)
Senior Management / CXO in Corporations
Middle Management in Corporations
Freelance professional (Training, Coaching, Baker, Chartered Accountant etc. )
Home maker
What is your annual income or revenue range?
How would you describe your life today?
Do you feel your life is currently aligned with your deepest aspirations?
What’s one thing you wish you could change about your life today? Why?
Think about the different aspects of your life—career, family, health, and personal growth. Which areas feel the most fulfilling right now, and why?
Which area feels like it’s holding you back the most? What impact does that have on your overall happiness?
What is the difference between the person who you are today and the person you were 10 years ago in terms of your Career, Health, Business, Legacy?
Have you ever experienced a breakthrough moment where you felt like you compressed years of growth into just a few weeks or months?
Think about your 10 year younger, If you could gift your youngerself one capability or piece of wisdom, what would it be, and how would it have changed your path?
Do people naturally turn to you for guidance and leadership?
Have you ever turned a difficult situation into an opportunity for others?
If you could cultivate genius in the people around you, who would you help first, and what transformation would you want for them?
Is your family aligned with your vision for your life and legacy?
Have you experienced a moment of deep harmony and mutual growth with your family?
What’s one recurring conflict in your family that you wish you could dissolve effortlessly?
Do you have a network or ecosystem that supports your vision and amplifies your impact?
Have you ever been part of a team or partnership where every person was aligned and contributed to something extraordinary?
If you could design the perfect ecosystem for your success, who or what would you include, and why?
Do you feel like you currently have enough time to focus on what truly matters?
If you could master time completely, what’s the first thing you’d do with it, and why?
Have you ever solved a problem in a way that surprised even you with your creativity?
Do you currently have a creative pursuit that brings you joy and fulfillment?
Imagine living with artistry in every aspect of your life—work, relationships, and health. What would change, and how would it inspire you?
Once you Become Installation Genius (B!G), you are equipped to change the trajectories of individuals, families, businesses and communities. What impact do you want to create for others?
What’s the biggest realization you’ve had about yourself while answering these questions?
If there were no limits to your potential, what’s the first thing you’d achieve?
What will Time Compression mean to you? If you could achieve within the next 2-3 years, what may have otherwise taken you 10-20 years, how much will that mean to you, on a scale of 1-10? Superior Life Results across all aspects - Personal Excellence, Business/Career acceleration, the right Pivots, the right transitions, Relationships and Family Togetherness, Optimum Health Acceleration (mental and physical), Legacy (Your deeper calling, Impact) all of this with ease and in Compressed time. How much does this mean to you, on a scale of 1-10? 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest
Are you ready to take the next step and design your B!G Impact trajectory?
If You could ask Antano & Harini one question (the answer to which will make a huge difference in your life right now), what would you ask?
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