Build a World-Class Coaching Business within 3 Years in India
Make a Career transforming lives...
Ever wondered what the world-class coaches do differently from the majority of floundering, unsuccessful coaches?
Let’s start with the obvious. The best coaches have extremely refined coaching skills. They have amazing skills in finding out the minimal change that would create the maximum impact in the client’s life. They also know how to make that change sustain for the rest of the client’s life, ecologically and generatively. Finally, as they coach and make permanent changes in the client, they know how to make the client aware of what change has happened for them and how it will change the quality of his/her life.
But amazing coaching skills alone are not enough for creating a world class coaching BUSINESS. It is equally important to know how to do the BUSINESS of coaching. Just like any other business, building a successful coaching business requires refined capabilities & skills to:
1) Sell and Close deals
2) Get into high performance states on-demand and meditate on challenging business targets
3) Connect with people deeply and build the right relationships
4) Spot and nurture talent of team members
5) MARKET yourself as a world-class coach to the world
6) Learn faster than anybody else in the industry
And so much more…
Building a coaching business requires incredible personal charisma to be able to attract the right associates, the right team members and the right customers. It requires another level of influence & communication. It requires another level of emotional mastery. It requires another level of intuition to make great decisions consistently.
If you are really serious about building a world class coaching business, you have to undergo powerful changes in WHO you are as a person. You need holistic transformation of beliefs, habits and behaviors for progressive growth in every area of your life. And that is exactly where Antano & Harini will help you!
Antano & Harini are Personal & Business Excellence Geniuses who the top celebrities, performers and entrepreneurs come to when they want to get to the next level of their life. More importantly, both of them are creators of Excellence Installation Technology (EIT). EIT is the technology that allows for an individual to improve behaviors, traits and their core nature in weeks and months instead of years and decades.
If you want to be a coach or want to take your existing coaching business to the next level, Antano & Harini have a special offering called Platinum Membership Engagement can help you. A&H Platinum Membership is a 3-year mentoring relationship with Antano & Harini that includes the following:
1) Learn the technology to make targeted, permanent changes that sustain. Yes, the technology can help you break decade hold habits, behaviors and limitations within 30 minutes to a couple of hours, thereby making you indispensable as a change agent.
2) Learn conversational programming: the wisdom and art of shifting mindsets fast, with the minimum number of precise questions such that the person naturally starts achieving what they want, over time.
3) Consulting sessions face-to-face with Antano & Harini where they themselves are figuring out what needs to change for you to get to the next level of your own life
4) Access to ALL programs that Antano & Harini do; these programs involve very targeted & personalized Unconscious Patterning to fix REAL limitations and install missing unconscious capabilities. With these superior capabilities, results like financial abundance, amazing relationships, job satisfaction and personal happiness are a natural, inevitable outcome of who the person has evolved to become.
5) Get complete access to Excellence Installations Specialization: the program to create the top 50-100 of the top change agents in the world, who can not only make changes fast and sustained for people, but also identify what needs to change in the first place.
What Leaders say about Antano & Harini
Thanks, your work shows.

“Antano & Harini are distinct in many ways – they are unabashed to demonstrate their passion for excellence – fortunately, this passion is founded on extensive field experience and a wide range of applications. They offer a special configuration as they work as a team with elegance and effectiveness – all this based on their personal mastery of the patterning.”

“Sometimes the solution to a bottleneck challenge is so different from it appears to be. No matter where you are, and how varied the need may be, A&H have always precisely nailed the unexpected. I continue to benefit from the magic of their unexplainable work. Their intuition to know what is really going on is what actually makes the difference. They continue to fascinate me with their Elegance & Effectiveness.”

Antano is a genius and his work to accelerate results comes from a rare combination of coaching, consulting and real changework that just works.

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