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Business. Health. Family. Legacy. - At Antano & Harini, we help you Evolve and Fast-Track Personal Evolution in ALL areas, together, simultaneously.  

Why work on ALL areas simultaneously?

Life is intricately inter-connected. The changes you make in one aspect will always have an effect on the other aspects, and this means that we have to be both Strategic and Comprehensive: Strategic to predict the long term consequences of rapid capability development and spontaneous mindset shifts. And Comprehensive, to consider the effect and enhance the outcomes across all areas together.

You, Your Family, Your Business, Your Legacy

When you evolve together in all these aspects of life at once, effectively, everything comes together like magic, feeling natural and easy. It is amazing how improving strategically targetted aspects of you and developing capabilities, immediately  impacts members in your family, resonates in your eco-system, blossoms the culture in your organization and help you Launch Your Legacy.

Most people believe that if you focus on one area of your life at a time, you can get results faster, but it's like going on a journey with air-pressure on one wheel balanced. Contrary to popular belief, we have validated evidence that results are much faster when you work on every aspect of your integrated life with systemic-intelligence. 

Time Compression

Our Solutions help you Experience an immediate subjective shift in your teams and long term-measurable objective improvements in the organization. At A&H, we not only consult and create a comprehensive list of adjustments and capability development, we also Implement the solution with Excellence Installation Technology. Excellence Installation Technology (EIT) is the most advanced technology for Rapid Personal Evolution. And our clients say that what could have taken decades to accomplish with conventional approaches, have instead happened within 2-3 years.

Evolve. Launch Your Legacy. 

No matter where you are in your life, you can get to the next level. And everyone does. Some take 10-20 years in each cycle after they hit a ceiling but legends typically iterate much faster. And that is why EIT solutions are iterative. We help you evolve and impact all areas of your life, and when you get to the next league, we repeat the process again, iteratively, each time with enhanced and rounded capability development, to accelerate your growth further steering towards creating impact and legacy. Everyone gets older and older with time, but not everyone evolves with age! With continuous, iterative personal evolution in compressed time, you can launch your legacy no matter where you start. And maybe, even impact people around you, in your family and sphere of influence, to evolve blissfully.

How to get started?

We have a whole range of solutions from an hour commitment to two year commitment starting at $285 to $58000 for your personal evolution. We recommend iterative solutions, because the end goal here is not ‘transformation’. Infact, with EIT, Transformation is immediate, even those transformations that otherwise take months or years in conventional methods. The difference with EIT is that transformation literally happens in minutes, and it sustains and grows. With measurements, diagnostics and installations performed iteratively, not one but a series of strategically designed Capability Development takes place leading you to Personal Evolution... making you Capable, as the next league of Life Experiences welcomes you.

The whole range of solutions is detailed here in the dedicated website for EIT Products. You can additionally secure a call with a Consultant post your research (Toll free - 1800 3000 2909). Happy Evolving!